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Five common misconceptions

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There is no denying that the digital world is evolving and changing at such a rapid pace with platforms, ad formats and best practice changing each week.

It’s often hard to keep up-to-date, especially if you aren’t immersed in all things digital 24/7.

Here are five common mistakes small businesses make when it comes to digital.

1. Thinking digital advertising is too costly

Advertising online doesn’t always have to cost the earth but like most things, the more you spend, the better the outcome. When thinking about online advertising budgets it is important to consider three things – competitors, geographic locations and your target audience. These three things work hand-in-hand with each other. How many competitors are bidding in the same market? In the same location? For the same target audience?

2. Thinking customers are not online, especially the older generations

AIn fact, through a number of our recent campaigns in both the tourism and telecommunications sectors, we have found those aged 65+ have been the most engaged in terms of the numbers visiting the site, as well as the number of sessions they have conducted.

We are seeing more of our older demographics engaging online, even if its posting cringe-worthy memes.

3. Expecting the target audience to be X when in reality it is Y

Understanding your target market, how they like to be engaged with and where, is a key factor for online success.

Consider using user insight reports, sales data or reviews to build a picture of who your users are and what interests align with their online behaviour. You may be surprised with who your key audience actually is.

4. Using the website a son’s friend made back in 2000

Although having some form of online presence is great, it is important to run the ruler over your site to check the engine of the machine is running at full capacity.

Key things to look at are the content (copy) on each webpage and its relation to organic keywords, the size of the images on your site, meta descriptions and page speed to name a few.

5. Advertising across all digital platforms, with little budget in each

Although in some cases advertising across all platforms can work, it is important to define your success metrics across each platform and for each campaign. We recommend thinking about location, competition, target audience attributes as well as bid and CPC figures (where relevant) to guide minimum budgets.

If your budget is of a set amount, it may be worthwhile to run ads across fewer platforms driving stronger performance from key placements. Whether you are updating your website or diving into a new advertising platform, advertising online is here to stay and is an important piece of your marketing mix.