class of 2020 feature image
King St Christmas spirit
December 9, 2020
Gaining Legend Status
December 10, 2020

Changes in New Zealand Media

media trends feature

media trends feature



It’s important for KingSt and our clients that we stay connected to our industry.

Overall it was tough to hear the impact COVID has had worldwide on advertising and media businesses, and it doesn't seem like anyone has been unscathed by the hit.

COVID aside, change has really accelerated over the last 2-3 years, with the usual media mix seeing significant funds being placed with offshore platforms (Facebook, Google and the like) instead of invested locally. Paul was able to share some numbers to demonstrate this, as well as discuss the effect this is currently (and will continue to have) on our ability to have NZ owned and made media channels.

2012 Annual Advertising Turnover:
2,177 million of which 16.8% was spent on interactive/digital (366 million)

2019 Annual Advertising Turnover:
2,767 million of which 45.36% was spent on digital advertising (1,255 million)
*Source Advertising Standards Authority Annual Turnover Reports

This represents a profound change for our media landscape and is sparking multiple conversations around the long-term shape of our media organisations. Along with this comes the question around how we ensure local brands continue to connect with local audiences when local media options are being squeezed.

It's an interesting dilemma that we’d like to hold a discussion on. We’re going to put together a breakfast and panel discussion in the new year including Paul and some media heads. Register your interest for the breakfast and discussion panel below.